Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Haileybury Bhaluka is a premium boys' and girls' boarding school offering a superior education based on the British education system and its associated standard of education, through its campuses in the UK and Bangladesh, supported by the luxury standards of Le Meridien and Marriott hotels, situated within the luxury Dhamshur Economic Zone complex at Bhaluka, Mymensingh. At Haileybury Bhaluka, children can enjoy the experience of a British private boarding school, complete with numerous co-curricular activities.

Haileybury Bhaluka delivers a full British education from 11-16 years of age, followed by the International Baccalaureate Diploma (16-18 years).

A distinctive feature of Haileybury Bhaluka is its ‘holistic' education. We focus not only on every child reaching their academic potential but also to extending the breadth of their education through co-curricular activities and individual pastoral care.

Our admission stages aim to show that Haileybury Bhaluka is the right school for your son and daughter. There are five main stages:

i. Enquiry ii.Registration iii. Entrance Assessment iv. The Offer v. Visit Haileybury

For more information, please check the following link:

Our fees cover a world-class education for your child. They are inclusive of a full boarding experience and all the extras—from co-curriculars, health services, world-class tuition, outstanding facilities and daily dining. The fees for a Year 7 student are USD $34,500 (paid annually or quarterly).

For more information, please check the following link:

Our school is located within the Dhamshur Economic Zone, Bhaluka, Mymensingh about 75 kms North of Dhaka.

All registered candidates will be invited to sit for our entrance examination tests which will include a series of assessment called Cognitive Ability Test (CAT). These assess verbal, non-verbal, spatial and mathematical skills.

No advanced preparation is available or required.

As a part of the procedure, we will request a reference from your child's current school. In addition, your son and daughter will have an interview with the Headmaster, with parents present.

The CAT test is a Cognitive Ability Test which provides a snapshot of a child's potential, more so than traditional, curriculum-based tests. It is a curriculum-neutral test which helps to identify academic potential of a student.

There will be three terms in our boarding school and each term will be around 13 weeks long.

The school is set to start from August, 2024.

Students can visit home weekly with the consent of the Headmaster.

We are offering only merit-based scholarships. Please check our scholarship policy for more information. Scholarship Policy

The school is open for admission to Years 7 to 9 in academic year 2024-25. Admissions are continuous given that we accept international pupils all year round.

There is a full programme of weekend activities for full boarders.

Contact between parents, tutors, and Housemasters or Housemistresses is essential for the well-being of every pupil, and parents are always encouraged to attend school performances, sports matches, concerts, and special events.

Boarders are full or weekly. Full boarders may visit parents on weekends. Weekly boarders spend their weekends with their parents unless they have sports commitments.

A Haileybury Scholarship is awarded on merit to pupils who can demonstrate outstanding achievement and promise. See Haileybury Bhaluka Scholarship Policy for further details.

We will run a timetable which is designed to enable flexibility within the curriculum. All pupils will be issued with a timetable which they will fill in with their form tutor on the first day of each school term.

The school starts from 7:30 in the morning and finishes from 2 pm till 4:30 depending on the age group of the pupil.

Key Stage 3: Pupils are taught all subjects by specialist teachers in the medium of English, with the exception of the language option subjects.

The curriculum is rich and dynamic, drawing on a wide range of academic, creative, and performance areas. In addition, the Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) program in Years 7 to 9 is expanded to take into account the growing responsibility and maturity of this stage of education. This allows pupils to quickly gauge their interest and skills in new areas and subjects.

Key Stage 4: Pupils take IGCSEs/GCSEs in a range of subjects offered by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), which are part of the University of Cambridge. They are also the world's largest provider of international qualifications to school-age pupils. At the end of the two-year course, after successfully passing the exams, pupils are awarded these world-recognized certificates in each subject, ready for the next stage of their education. In Years 10 and 11, everyone takes English (as a First or Second Language; English Literature is also an option), Mathematics, Sciences, and a Modern Foreign Language.

Key Stage 5: Sixth Form - Sixth Form at Haileybury Bhaluka presents an exciting opportunity for pupils to have a significant choice over their pathways. The International Baccalaureate is an exciting qualification accepted by universities all over the world. Many American universities can give up to a full year's credit for pupils who have taken this qualification offered to pupils from 16 to 18 years old. For the many UK and world universities, IB pupils are valued for the research and learning skills it develops, and the IB is now offered by many of the UK's top schools. The IB is the fastest-growing pre-university program in the world.

A balanced program of activities will be offered and published at the start of each term.

In Senior School, every pupil is in a tutor group that also reflects the house they are in. Pupils' first point of contact will usually be their Tutor, and they can also turn to their House Master or any subject teacher for advice and support. If you have concerns about your child's learning, then you should discuss these with their class tutor, but you too can also speak to their House Master or any of their subject teachers. Your child's Tutor and House Master have the interests and well-being of their pupils at the top of their priority list, but also the academic success. There are parent-teacher conferences plus other special events throughout the year, giving parents an opportunity to speak with teachers, but if further information or conversations are needed, then teachers are very happy to organize additional meetings.

Every pupil at Haileybury Bhaluka is a part of one of the Houses within the school. Our pupils and teachers are very passionate about their houses, and healthy competition is established between Houses through school sports, performing arts, and academic competitions. You know when the children have taken part because they'll be especially excited on those days.

In the Senior School, Housemasters look after the pastoral care of pupils and the Houses are supported by a team of Tutors who meet with their pupils every day. The four Houses provide smaller communities within the school and facilitate pupils' identification with staff and other pupils in their house throughout the school.